Monday 7/8
A) E3M x 6 sets
– 6 back or box squats (building)
After odd sets
– 8-12/side SA standing DB overhead press
After even sets
– 16 alternating KB gorilla rows
B) E3M x 6-8 sets
Odd sets: 200m row + 10-15 wallballs
Even sets: 200m row + 5 up/down DB devil cleans + 5-10 lemon squeezes
*Scale with 160m and 5-10 abmat sit-ups if needed
A) E3M x 6 sets
Set 1: 6 back squats (building set)
Sets 2-6: 6 back squats (working sets @ 70-80% & 2 RIR)
B) E3M x 6-8 sets
Odd sets: 250/200m row + 20 wallballs (20/14)
Even sets: 250/200m row + 5 DB devil cleans (35/20s) + 10 lemon squeezes
Tuesday 7/9
A) E4M x 4 sets:
– 8/side SL KB Romanian deadlifts
– 12-16 DB rollback tricep extensions
– 8-12 supinated ring rows w/ pause at top
*Heavier than last week
B) 3 rounds for time:
– 400m run
– 12-9-6 DB double hang power clean (tough)
– 15-12-9 dips
– 18-15-12 air squats
*Scale with a 300m run and 12-9-6 reps for everything
A) E4M x 4 sets:
– 2.2.2 TNGpower clean + push jerk clusters
*R10S between doubles
B) 3 rounds for time:
– 400m run
– 12-9-6 power clean (135/95, 115/75, 95/65)
– 15-12-9 ring dips
– 18-15-12 air squats
Wednesday 7/10
E10M x 3-5 sets
– 400m row
– 12 plate ground to overhead
– 8-12 pull-ups
– 12 walking lunges (w/ or w/o plate hold)
– 12 box step ups
– 8-12 push-ups (elevate if needed)
– 12 abmat sit-ups
E10M x 3-5 sets
– 500/400m row
– 16 plate ground to overhead
– 12 pull-ups
– 16 plate overhead walking lunges
– 12 box jump overs (24/20”)
– 16/12 push-ups
– 12 V-ups
Thursday 7/11
Fitness & Performance
A) E3M x 6 sets:
– 6 bench press
*First set building, next 5 at 70-80% & 2 RIR
– 8-12 bent over straight arm banded lat pull-downs
– 8-12 chest supported rear delt flys w/ pause
B) E90S x 10-15 sets:
– 20 single unders
– 8 DB hang power clean (4/4)
– 6 dips
– 4 goblet squats
B) E90S x 10-15 sets:
– 20 double unders
– 8 DB hang power clean (4/4 @ 50/35)
– 6 ring dips
– 4 goblet squats
*If you can’t do 6 dips in a row consider doing 3 before the squats and 3 afterwards.
Friday 7/12
A) E4M x 4 sets:
– 8-12 DB incline press
– 16 alternating front foot elevated goblet hold step-backs
– 8-12 chest supported incline rows
*Use 25-45 plate for step backs. Scale with no plate and/or weight.
A) E4M x 4 sets
– 3.3.3 TNG power snatch clusters
*R10S between sets
Fitness & Performance
B) Strength Option
3-4 sets for quality:
– 10-20 banded/cable tricep push-downs
– 5-10 hanging leg raises (straight or bent knee w/ no swing)
– 10+ standing curls
– 1 lap lateral sled drag
Conditioning Option
3 rounds for time:
– 400m run
– 15-12-9 reps of…
- DB thrusters (35/20s)
- Toes to bar or hanging knee raises
- Up/downs
Saturday 7/13
Sunday 7/14
Open Gym 10-12pm