
E2MOM x 3-4 sets (in teams of 2-4)

1: 200m run (scale with hill run)

2: 12 DB deadlifts + 10 DB hang power cleans + 8 DB push press

3: 30 single unders + 12 wallballs + 4-6 up/down to box step over

4: 200m row

5: 5 up/down DB devil press + 10 prisoner reverse lunges + 10-15 sit-ups

6: rest


E2MOM x 3-4 sets (in teams of 2-4)

1: 200m run

2: 12 deadlifts + 9 hang power cleans + 6 shoulder to overhead (95/65) 

3: 30 double unders + 15 wallballs (20/14) + 5 burpee box jump overs (24/20”)

4: 250/200m row

5: 5 DB devil press (35/25s) + 10 DB reverse lunges + 15 sit-ups

6: rest

RX+: 115/75 BB