
Against a 5-minute running clock…

– 15/12 cal row (scale to 12/9)

– 400m run (scale to 300 or 200m)

Max reps in remaining time of…

Set 1: SA alt. DB clean + push press

Set 2: strict pull-ups

Set 3: DB/KB thrusters

Set 4: single unders

Set 5: burpee box step ups 

R2.5M after each set for a total of 5 sets.


Against a 5-minute running clock…

– 20/15 cal row

– 400m run

Max reps in remaining time of…

Set 1: ground to overhead (95/65, 75/55)

Set 2: pull-ups

Set 3: thrusters

Set 4: double unders

Set 5: burpee box jump overs (24/20”)

R2.5M after each set for a total of 5 sets.

RX+ perform CTB pull-ups and use 115/75.