
EMOM x 4-6 sets

1: 6 DB hang power cleans + 6 push press

2: 12 medicine ball hold reverse lunges 

3: 200m row

4: 6 strict pull-ups + 6 up/downs

5: 12 alt. DB snatch

6: 200m run

7: rest

*Scale row to 150m and run to top of hill if needed


EMOM x 4-6 sets

1: 6 power cleans + 6 shoulder to overhead (95/65)

2: 12 goblet hold reverse lunges (50/35)

3: 250/200m row

4: 6 pull-ups + 6 burpees

5: 12 alt. DB snatch

6: 200m run

7: rest

RX+ use 115/75, 70/44 GS, CTB pull-ups, burpees over rower