EMOM x 4-8 sets
1: 40 sec out and back run
2: 30 double unders (40 singles) + 5 burpees
3: 20 walking lunges + 4 burpees
4: 10 ground to shoulder + 3 burpees
5: rest
EMOM x 4-8 sets
1: 40 sec out and back run
2: 30 double unders (40 singles) + 5 burpees
3: 20 walking lunges + 4 burpees
4: 10 ground to shoulder + 3 burpees
5: rest
12 min AMRAP:
– 80 DB lateral hop overs
– 60 air squats
– 40 single arm DB push press (20/arm)
Tabata sit-ups
– 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest x 8 sets
*maintain rep number from first set for the next 7 sets
50/side single leg glute bridges (unweighted or light weight)
Every 5 minutes x 4-6 sets:
– 400m run
– 8 single arm DB hang clean and jerk – left
– 8 pull-ups
– 8 single arm DB hang clean and jerk – right
*Sub pull-ups with a L-seated band row, ring/TRX rows, bent over DB/KB/BB rows, etc.
*Try for similar or negative splits.
5 total sets of:
40 sec max smurf jumping jacks
40 sec max goblet squats
40 sec max alternating single leg V-ups
40 sec max push-ups
40 sec weighted glute bridges
5 rounds for time:
– 400m run
– 16 alternating DB snatch
– 12 DB goblet squats
R60S between rounds.
*Try for negative splits.
10 to 1 for time:
– backpack ground to overhead
– squat jumps
– strict pull-ups or rows
R5M, then
1 to 10 for time:
– RKB swings or back pack swings
– push-ups
– lemon squeezes