A) EMOM x 10 sets (5 sets each)
1: 8 BB Romanian deadlifts
2: 8 DB upright row
B) 4 min running clock:
– row 400m
– in remaining time AMRAP:
- 10 wallballs
- 5 hanging knee raises, lemon squeezes, or sit-ups
R2M, repeat for a total of 4 sets
A) EMOM x 5 sets:
– 1 clean pull + 1 clean 2” below knee
*work from 60-75%
EMOM x 5 sets:
– 1 clean @ 80, 85, 87.5, 90, 90+%
B) 4 min running clock:
– row 500/400m
– in remaining time AMRAP:
- 10 wallballs (20/14 to 10/9’)
- 5 toes to bar
R2M, repeat for a total of 4 sets