
A) E3MOM x 4 sets:

– 8 sumo stance Romanian deadlifts

– 16 alternating top down DB piston bench press


B) E3MOM x 4-6 sets:

– 200m run

– 5 strict pull-ups

– 4 DB burpee + box step-ups


*RX+ sub 3 bar muscle ups.



A) E3MOM x 4 sets:

– 8 sumo stance Romanian deadlifts @ 60-65%

– 16 alternating top down DB piston bench press


B) E3MOM x 4-6 sets:

– 200m run

– 6 chest to bar pull-ups

– 6 DB burpee + box step-ups (35/25s)


*RX+ sub 3 bar muscle ups.


A) E90S x 10 sets (5 sets each)

Station 1: 8 BB upright rows + 30 sec flutter kicks

Station 2: 12 alternating double KB front rack box step-ups (knee height)



A) E90S x 10 sets:

– hang snatch

*Build to a heavy single rep. 


Fitness & Performance

B) 3 sets for quality:

– heavy sled drag down and back

– 40-60 sec earthquake bar overhead hold

– 30 sec heavy sandbag hug march

– 30-45 sec L-sit accumulation



A) E3M x 4 sets

– 6 bench press

– 8/side bent over DB rows 

– 10 banded face pulls (red)


B) 3 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 21 KB swings 

– 12 pull-ups


Performance – bench press

A) E3M x 4 sets – bench press
Set 1: 6 @ 76%

Sets 2-4: 6 @ 70%

*After every set perform: 

– 8/side bent over DB rows

– 10 banded face pulls (red)


B) “Helen”

3 rounds for time:
– 400m run

– 21 KB swings (53/35)

– 12 pull-ups


A) E3M x 4 sets:

– 6 back squats

– 8/side half kneeling pallof presses

– 10 bent over reverse flys


B) 10 min AMRAP:

– 3 DB thrusters 

– 3 hanging knee raises

– 40 single unders

*Add 3 reps to thrusters and T2B every round.



A) E3M x 4 sets – back squats
Set 1: 6 back squats @ 76%

Sets 2-4: 6 back squats @ 70%


B) 10 min AMRAP:

– 3 thrusters (95/65)

– 3 toes to bar

– 30 double unders

*Add 3 reps to thrusters and T2B every round.


C) 3 sets for quality:

– 10 slide hamstring curls

– 20 reverse snow angels (2.5s/hand)

Programming Overview: Nov. 11-17


Monday 11/11


A) E90S x 10 sets (5 each):

Station 1: 8 BB Romanian deadlifts + 8 ring rows

Station 2: 16 alternating DB piston presses + 8 lemon squeezes 


B) E4MOM x 4-5 sets:

– 200m row

– 8 double DB hang power cleans

– 8 DB push press

– 40 single unders



A) E90S x 10 sets:

– clean and jerk

*Build to a heavy single rep. 


B) E3.5MOM x 4-6 sets:

– 250/200m row

– 5 hang squat cleans

– 5-10 strict handstand push-ups

*pick the weight on cleans so that they’re tough but UB


Tuesday 11/12 


A) E3M x 4 sets:

– 6 back squats

– 8/side half kneeling pallof presses

– 10 bent over reverse flys


B) 10 min AMRAP:

– 3 DB thrusters 

– 3 hanging knee raises

– 40 single unders

*Add 3 reps to thrusters and T2B every round.



A) E3M x 4 sets – back squats
Set 1: 6 back squats @ 76%

Sets 2-4: 6 back squats @ 70%


B) 10 min AMRAP:

– 3 thrusters (95/65)

– 3 toes to bar

– 30 double unders

*Add 3 reps to thrusters and T2B every round.


  1. C) 3 sets for quality:

– 10 slide hamstring curls

– 20 reverse snow angels (2.5s/hand)


Wednesday 11/13


A) E4M x 4 sets:

– 6 bench press

– 8/side bent over DB rows 

– 10 banded face pulls (red)


B) 3 rounds for time:

– 400m run

– 21 KB swings 

– 12 pull-ups


Performance – bench press

A) E4M x 4 sets – bench press
Set 1: 6 @ 76%

Sets 2-4: 6 @ 70%

*After every set perform: 

– 8/side bent over DB rows

– 10 banded face pulls (red)


B) “Helen”

3 rounds for time:
– 400m run

– 21 KB swings (53/35)

– 12 pull-ups


Thursday 11/14


E8M x 4-5 sets:
– 400m row

– 16 wallballs

– 16/12 HR push-ups

– 16 alternating DB snatches 

– 40 single unders



E8M x 4-5 sets:
– 500/400m row

– 20 wallballs

– 20/15 HR push-ups

– 20 alternating DB snatches 

– 40 double unders


*Switch the order every set but keep pace the exact same. 


Friday 11/15


A) E90S x 10 sets (5 sets each)

Station 1: 8 BB upright rows + 30 sec flutter kicks

Station 2: 12 alternating double KB front rack box step-ups (knee height)



A) E90S x 10 sets:

– hang snatch

*Build to a heavy single rep. 


Fitness & Performance

B) 3 sets for quality:

– heavy sled drag down and back

– 40-60 sec earthquake bar overhead hold

– 30 sec heavy sandbag hug march

– 30-45 sec L-sit accumulation


Saturday 11/16







Sunday 11/17

8am Endurance

10-12pm Open Gym


A) E90S x 10 sets (5 each):

Station 1: 8 BB Romanian deadlifts + 8 ring rows

Station 2: 16 alternating DB piston presses + 8 lemon squeezes 


B) E4MOM x 4-5 sets:

– 200m row

– 8 double DB hang power cleans

– 8 DB push press

– 40 single unders



A) E90S x 10 sets:

– clean and jerk

*Build to a heavy single rep. 


B) E3.5MOM x 4-6 sets:

– 250/200m row

– 5 hang squat cleans

– 5-10 strict handstand push-ups

*pick the weight on cleans so that they’re tough but UB

Fitness & Performance

CrossFit Open Workout 20.5


A) RX For time:

– 40 muscle-ups

– 80 cal row

– 120 wallballs (20/14)

*Partition reps any way.


Scaled for time:

– 40 chin over bar pull-ups

– 80 cal row

– 120 wallballs (14/10)

*Partition reps any way.


Scaled II for time:

– 40 jumping chest to bar pull-ups

– 80 cal row

– 120 wallballs

*Partition reps any way.


*20 min time cap.


B) 2 sets for quality:

– DB arm farm

– 30 hollow rocks


A) E3MOM x 5 sets

– 5 strict overhead presses

– 8/side single leg “kickstand” RDLs

– 16 alternating Russian twists (plate or medball)


B) E4MOM x 4-6 sets:

– 250/200m row

– 30 single unders

– 8 DB thrusters

*Keep rows same pace throughout.



A) EMOM x 5 sets

– 1 snatch @ 60-80%

E2MOM x 5 sets

– 1 snatch @ 85+%


B) E4MOM x 4-6 sets:

– 250/200m row

– 30 double unders

– 5 overhead squats

*You pick the weight for OHS. Should be tough but UB and taken from the floor.

*Keep rows same pace throughout.