A) E3M x 5 sets:

– 6 deadlifts

– 5-15 strict handstand push-ups

*Deadlifts should be around 75-82ish%. Focus on controlled TnG without bouncing the barbell.


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 45-60 sec earthquake bar hold

– 8/side weighted box step-ups

– 10 tough ring dips (banded or weighted)

– 10 supinated DB curls

A) Every 2 minutes x 8 sets:

– 2 TnG squat cleans

*Work on efficient barbell cycling building heavier than last week’s 3s.


B) Every 4 min x 4-5 sets

– 250/200m row

– 15 wallballs (20/14)

– 7 power cleans (135/95)

A) EMOM x 4-6 sets

Station 1: 20 double unders + 8 pull-ups

Station 2: 8-10 dual DB hang clean and jerk (35/30-55/35ish)

Station 3: 6-10 box jumps + step down

Station 4: 200m run

Station 5: rest


B) 3 sets for quality:

– 3 TGUP / arm

– 8/side single leg DB/KB Romanian deadlifts

*If single leg isn’t attainable perform 10 regular RDLs.