A) Gymnastic Skill Work (Week 3)
Every 90 seconds x 3 sets
Station 1 –
- Level III: 30-50 ft handstand walk
- Level II: 20 HS nose and toes to wall shoulder touches
- Level I: 2-3 wall walks (stay hollow)
Station 2 –
- Level III: 5/3 muscle ups (try 3/2 strict if able)
- Level ll: 8 kips on high rings + 6 banded muscle up turnovers
- Level I: 10 connected kips + 8 ring rows
Station 3 –
- All levels: 45 sec double unders or DU practice
B) EMOM x 4-5 sets
1: 12/9 cal row
2: 6 DB burpee box step ups (50/30, 40/25, 30/15 )
3: 7 toes to bar + 20 double unders