Gym PSA: Please DO NOT write on the mats with chalk for everyday workouts. There are times we will break out the chalk sticks (Murph). If you really can’t remember what is written on the board then we will have personal whiteboards for you to use in the near future.
It is hard enough keeping the gym clean with the doors open. This will help immensely. Thank you.
Monday 9/4 – Labor Day (9am Only)
Hero WOD “Whitten”
5 rounds for time:
– 22 Kettlebell Swings (70/53)
– 22 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
– 400m Run
– 22 Burpees
– 22 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
*This is a long one. If you need to scale to 4 or 3 rounds then do so.
Tuesday 9/5
A) E3MOM x 3 sets:
– 6 TnG power clean + push jerk
*Use your heaviest weight from last week and stay or build.
*Work on connecting reps efficiently.
B) EMOM x 4-6 sets:
1: 12/9 cal row
2: 20 double unders + 5 shoulder to overhead
3: 8 pull-ups
RX+: 15/12 cal row, 185/125, 3-5/1-3 muscle ups
RX: 155/105, CTB pull-ups or
Scaled I: 135/95
Scaled II: 115/75, 60 single unders
Scaled III: 95/65, 40 single unders
Wednesday 9/6
A) E3MOM x 4 sets:
– 5 strict overhead seated press @ 2111
– max effort ring dips @ 2111
– 10 medball hamstring curls @ 2111
B) 6 min AMRAP@ 80-90% pace:
– 8 DB snatch (50/35) – alternating
– 8 ambat sit-ups
– 8 prisoner lunges
R2M x 3 sets
*Goal is to match scores on all three AMRAPs. Start over each set.
Thursday 9/7
A) Every 10 minutes x 3 sets
– 400m run
– 10 burpee box jump-overs (24″/20″)
– 15 toes to bar
– 20 wall ball shots
– 30/20 cal row
– 200m run
– 10 burpee box jump-overs (24″/20″)
– 15 toes to bar
– 20 wall ball shots
– 20/15 cal row
B) 3 sets:
– 20-30 sec bird dog / side
– 20 elevated psoas march
Friday 9/8
A) E3MOM x 5 sets:
– 5-4-3-3-3 pause front squat @ 32X1
*build to a heavy set of 3. Use the heaviest 5 & 4 from the last two weeks.
B) 3 sets for quality:
– 1 lap BB walk @ 1RM BS weight
– 20 death march – alternating
– 20 hollow rocks
– max effort strict supinated pull-ups
Saturday 9/9
8am Masters
9am CrossFit
10am Barbell/Intro To CrossFit
Sunday 9/10
8am Endurance