17.3 position prep and aerobic warm-up

A) E2MOM x 6 min (3sets):

– 3 position snatch


B) E2MOM x 6 min (3 sets):

– 20-30 sec row + 2-3 CTB pull-ups


CF Open Workout 17.3

Prior to 8:00, complete:

3 rounds of:

   6 chest-to-bar pull-ups

   6 squat snatches (96/65, 45/35)

Then, 3 rounds of:

   7 chest-to-bar pull-ups

   5 squat snatches (135/95, 75/55)

*Prior to 12:00, complete 3 rounds of:

   8 chest-to-bar pull-ups

   4 squat snatches (185/135, 95/65)

*Prior to 16:00, complete 3 rounds of:

   9 chest-to-bar pull-ups

   3 squat snatches, (225/155, 115/75)

*Prior to 20:00, complete 3 rounds of:

   10 chest-to-bar pull-ups

   2 squat snatches (245/175, 135/95

Prior to 24:00, complete 3 rounds of:

   11 chest-to-bar pull-ups

   1 squat snatch (265/185, 155/105)


*If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4 minutes.

*Scaled athletes use a jumping pull-up method and have the choice of performing a power snatch + overhead squat.


See you at FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS round 3 starting tonight at 6:30pm!