Open Skill Prep
A) Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets of each):
Station 1 – muscle-up + 2 dips x 2-4 reps
OR low ring muscle up progression + dip catch & extension x 3-5 reps
Station 2 – strict HSPU x max reps (get at least 10)
OR 3-5 wall walks – stay in hollow position
Station 3 – L-sit x 30-45 seconds accumulated
B) Every 4 min x 4 sets at open pace:
– 21 cal row
– 15 overhead squats (95/65, 85/55, 75/45, 65/35)
– 9 toes to bar
*Keep OHS at a weight that you can go unbroken.
*Sub front squats if OHS aren’t in your wheelhouse yet.