Take advantage of our weekend specialty classes…
Barbell – Every Saturday morning at 10-11am. Each class is dedicated exclusively to the snatch or clean & jerk movements. Class starts with a self led warm-up followed by a movement progression to help with bar path, timing, and body positioning at lighter to moderate weights. If the athlete is ready, more weight is added as long as movements remain sharp.
Endurance – Every Sunday morning at 8-9am. Think of this class as sort of a CrossFit unloaded. There are no barbells and the focus is on building your aerobic base. Lots of rowing and running intervals are programmed in an effort to maintain sub-maximal intensities for prolonged periods of time. Building a strong aerobic base has a direct correlation to being able to better endure the suck of faster more anaerobic workouts.
Monday 1/23
A) E2MOM x 10 min (5 sets) – back squat
– set 1: 5 @ 65%
– set 2: 5 @ 75%
– set 3: 5 @ 80%
– set 4&5: 3-5 @ 85%
– set 6: 2-3 @ 90%
B) E2MOM x 24 minutes (6 sets each)
Station 1: 9 deadlifts (225/155) + 12 box jumps – SD (24/20”)
Station 2: 15/10 push-ups + 200m run
*Focus on efficiency and rhythm or each movement.
Tuesday 1/24
A) E2MOM x 10 min
– 5-3-2-1-1 power clean + push jerk
*Build to a heavy single and keep multiple rep sets TnG.
B) CrossFit Open WOD 14.4
AMRAP in 14 min:
– 60 cal row
– 50 toes to bar
– 40 wallball shots
– 30 cleans (135/95)
– 20 muscle ups
*Scaling includes subbing a hanging high knee for T2B and burpee pull-ups for MU. Perform burpees over the barbell if you are scaling pull-ups to keep moving.
Wednesday 1/25
A) E2MOM x 8 min (3 sets)
– 2 position snatch @ 60-75%
(hang, floor)
EMOM x 12 min
– 1 snatch @ 80%
*No misses!
B) Every 6 minutes x 18-24 minutes at 100%:
– 10 TnG UB power snatch (115/75, 95/55, 75/35)
– 8 burpees
– 100m sprint
*Walk back and breath after each sprint. Get ready to hit it hard again on the next set.
C) Three sets of the following complex:
– 20 DB tate press
– 20 DB skullcrushers
– 20 DB floor press
R2M, then…
One set of:
– 60 banded tricep push downs
Thursday 1/26
A) Every 12 minutes x 36 minutes (3 sets) @ 80-90%:
– 800m run
– 30 RKB swings (53/35)
– 1000/800m row
– 30 DB anchored abmat sit-ups
B) 3 sets for efficiency:
– 1 lap / side suitcase carry
– 8 / side TGUP sit-ups
Friday 1/27
A) E3MOM x 18 min (6 sets):
– 4 front squats @ 4111
*All sets at or heavier than heaviest on 1/13.
B) 3 rounds for efficiency:
– death march x 20 reps
– single arm hang x 20 sec/arm
– reverse sled pull x 1 lap (heavy but consistent pace)
– single arm DB press x 8 per side @ 2111
– ring bicep curl x 10 @ 2111
*If there is pain experienced with the single arm hang then substitute in single arm grip switches for 10-20 reps.
Saturday 1/28
8am Masters CF
9am CrossFit
10am Barbell/Open Gym
Sunday 1/29
8am Endurance