Have you checked out the October 2016 Newsletter? If not you can peep it HERE.
We are thinking about changing the venue for the EDCF Fall Social. Stay tuned!
Monday 10/3
A) Build to 90% of 1RM power clean
Every 30 seconds x 8 minutes (16 sets)
– 1 power clean @ 85-90%
*Slightly heavier than last week. Try for all at 90% if able.
B) 3 sets…
6 minute running clock:
– Run 800m
– AMRAP ring muscle ups OR
bar muscle ups OR
burpee + CTB pull-ups in remaining time
*Rest 3 minutes.
Tuesday 10/4
A) E3MOM x 9 min (3 sets)
– 8 front squats @ 70%
(add 3-5% to last week’s 70% if you legitimately completed all 3 sets)
B) Against a 2-minute running clock, perform the following:
– Row 300/250 meters
– Max reps of thrusters (95/65) in remaining time:
Rest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of four sets. Score is total number of thrusters.
Wednesday 10/5
A) Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets) of:
– Bench Press x 5-4-3-2-2 (building per set)
– Weighted supinated pull-ups (no kip) x 5-4-3-2-2
OR pull-up negatives (3 sec down) x 3-5
B) 3 rounds for time of:
– 20/15 cal row
– 15 toes to bar
– 10 shoulder to overhead (135/95, 115/75, 95/55)
Rest until the clock hits 15 minutes then…
3 rounds for time of:
– 200 m run
– 15 KB swings (70/53)
– 10 box jump overs (24/20”)
Thursday 10/6
A) Deadlift
– Build to a heavy TnG 4 reps in 12 min
*A “heavy” set is established right before form starts to break down. Try and build heavier than last week.
B) Every 90 seconds x 15-18 min (5-6 sets of each)
1: 6 deadlifts @ 4-5% heavier than last week.
2: 5 burpees + 30 double unders
C) Accessory work:
– 3 x 10 reps of floor wipers w/ partner
*Use 95-115/55-75 and keep legs straight with toes touching bumper plates.
Friday 10/7
A) E3MOM x 9 min (3 sets)
– 10 push press (build to a heavy UB set)
B) 3 rounds for efficiency
– hand over hand rope pull x 1 lap (heavy but fast)
– heavy sandbag bear hug carry x 200m (90-120/60-90)
– farmers carry x 1 lap (heavy but fast
– single arm trap 3 raises x 8-10 reps @ 2111
– L hold x 15-30 sec accumulated
Saturday 10/8
8am Masters CrossFit
9am CrossFit
10am Barbell – Snatch focus
Sunday 10/9
8am CrossFit Endurance