WOOHOO! Tomorrow kicks off the 2016 CrossFit Games week! You will be able to watch the masters and teens compete during the week (Tues – Thurs) on the games website HERE. Starting on Friday you can watch the individuals and teams compete on ESPN 3 located HERE. Keep up with the entire Games schedule this week by clicking HERE.
Monday 7/18
A) EMOM x 15 min (5 sets):
1: Box squat x 3 reps @ 21X1 (build heavier than 7/11)
2: 3-5 Muscle Up turnovers on low ring
*Use leg of band assistance as needed.
3: rest and build on box squat if able
B) For time:
– 600m run
– 15 CTB pull-ups
– 21 front squats (135/95, 115/75, 95/65, 75/45)
– 400m run
– 12 CTB pull-ups
– 15 front squats
– 200m run
– 9 CTB pull-ups
– 9 front squats
Tuesday 7/19
A) Build quickly to 75% bench press
B) EMOM x 15 min
1: Bench press 5@80% – 3@85% – 2@90-95% – 1@95+% – 1@ 95+%
2: Bent over DB row x 6-8/side AHAP
3: rest and build on BP
*Heavier than 7/5
C) Every 4 minutes x 16-20 (4-5 sets) @ 90%
– 250/200m row
– 6-10 Toes to bar
– 10 Push press (115/75)
– 30 Double unders (90 singles)
D) Optional: 3 sets not for time
– L-sit single leg lifts x 20/leg
– 15 DB tricep rollback extensions
Wednesday 7/20
A) EMOM x 10 min
– 1 power clean (build from 65% to a new 1RM if able)
Rest 2 min…
B) AMRAP in 8 min:
– power clean at 90% of A
C)AMRAP in 6 min:
– 7 burpee box jump overs (24/20)
– 14 wallballs (20/14)
– 14 KB swings (70/53)
Thursday 7/21
A) EMOM x 8 min
– 1 power snatch + 1 overhead squat
*Build to a heavy but technically sound weight.
B) 3 sets:
– 2 squat snatch at 90% of A
C) Tester:
– 2000m row for time
D) 4 sets not for time:
– 3 deadlifts to knee cap + 1 deadlift @ 70%
*Pause 2 sec at knee and 2 sec on ground.
– Isometric to of pull-up hold for max time
Friday 7/22
A) EMOM x 5 min – Front squat
Min 1: 2 @ 60%
2: 2 @ 65%
3: 2 @ 70%
4: 1 @ 75%
5: 1 @ 80%
R60S then…
B) E2MOM x 10 min – Front squat
Min 6: 1 @ 85%
8: 85-90%
10: 90%
12: 90+%
14: 90+%
*Build to a heavy rep for today. If you are feeling it, go for a 1RM. If not, try and hit 95% and move on.
C) Every 5 minutes, for 15-20 minutes (3-4 sets):
– 30/24 cal row
– 16 double KB front rack walking lunges
– 5-8 strict handstand push-ups
*Use a deficit of 4-6” on HSPU if able.
*Scale with kipping, banded, or L-seated DB presses.
Saturday 7/23
8am Masters
9am CrossFit
10am Barbell
Sunday 7/24
8am Endurance