A) EMOM x 15 min (5 sets)
1: Push press x 3 reps (build from 75% to at or near a 3RM)
2: Weighted supinated pull-up cluster 1.1.(1) – R10S between reps
OR Negative supinated pull-ups (heavier than 6/29)
3: 10-12 DB anchored sit-ups (no arms, add weight to chest if able)
B) 3 rounds for time of:
– Run 400 Meters
– 15 Push Presses (115/75, 96/65, 75/45)
A) EMOM x 15 min (5 sets)
1: Push press x 5 reps (build to heavy set of 5)
2: 3-5 Negative supinated pull-ups (3-5 seconds down)
3: 10-12 DB anchored sit-ups
B) Four rounds for time of:
– Run 200m
– 10 DB push presses
– 10 ring rows