A) Power clean cluster TnG 1.1.1 x 3; R10S/3M

B) Power clean and Jerk TnG (if able) into the jerk 1 rep every 20 sec for 4 min 73% of A


C1) Good mornings @30X1; 4-6; rest 30sec (perfect form)

C2) 8-12 strict T2B x 3; R30S

C3) 8-10 straight arm DB lat pulls x 3; R90S


C1) Good mornings @30X1; 6-8; rest 30sec (perfect form)

C2) 8-12 hanging knee to chest x 3; R30S

C3) 8-10 straight arm DB lat pulls x 3; R90S


C1) Good mornings @30X1; 6-8; rest 30sec (perfect form)

C2) 15-20 reverse sit-ups x 3; R30S

C3) 8-10 straight arm DB lat pulls x 3; R90S


*Compare to 12/30/14