A) PC cluster TnG 3. 3. 3; rest 10sec/rest 3mins x 3

B) EMOM – 12mins

odd – HSPU x 3-8

even – 10-12 heavy KB swings (70/53)

C) 3 x max L-sit; rest as needed 

A) Stone to shoulder technique work

B) 5 stone to shoulder for time; rest 3 min x 3


12 min AMRAP @ 80-90%:

– Farmer’s carry 50m 70/50#/hand

– 4 high box jump 36/30, 30/24″ – step down

– 2 wall walks


May Athlete Of The Month: Pablo Pedraza

Your Athlete Of The Month for May is Pablo Pedraza. Pablo is known for his infectiously positive attitude whether it is 5:30 in the morning or 7:30 in the evening. He has the best hand shake at the gym and you better believe that if you’re within a 15′ radius of him then you’re getting one. The dude also has a crazy motor. He just seems to keep moving during lighter/faster met-cons. He was a bit of a wreck mechanically when he started with us but since has made vast improvements. We are still working on that shoulder flexibility though. Even though we know he hates anything involving the overhead squat position, he always does them with a smile. Here is a little bit more about Pablo..

When did you join EDCF? How did you find the gym? What was your first impression or how did that first workout go?

Well I joined EDCF July 2013. I passed by the gym and saw the ad and asked about the gym. Ryan was there. I liked what he told me. I was nervous because it was something new for me and I felt that I was dying at end of the first work out.

What class time do you attend the most?

5:30 am. That’s my class. I love it.

Tell us a little about yourself, What is your life like outside the gym? Where do you work, do you have kids/wife/girlfriend, what is your favorite hobby outside the gym? 

I work for Novamex, a company that cares for a Hispanic beverage called Jarritos USA. I have two wonderful children named Alex and Koko.

What do you like about CrossFit or EDCF that keeps you coming back?

The people and coaches are cool and you can feel the friendship of everyone in the gym.

What is you favorite lift or exercise or type of workout? What is one of your short term and long term goals?

I like deadlifts, power cleans, and push presses. I also like when we run. My goal is to have a six pack and become a complete athlete so I can do all of the exercises. Thanks again, I’ll see you there!


A1) Push press @12X1 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 10sec (build in weight)

A2) 6-8 UB CTB pull-ups; rest 3mins

B) EMOM x 5 min – Deadlift TnG x 5 60% of 1rm

C) 20 TGUP (53/35) – alt. hands per rep; not for time


10min 85% effort

– Row 200m

– 8 ring dips

– 8 squat jump touch about 6″ above reach

rest 4 min

8min 85% effort

– Run 200m

– 5 clean and jerks (115/75, 95/65, 75/45)

– 10 HR pushups

rest 4 min

8min 85% effort

– 30 DU

– 7 burpees

– 10 walk lunges


A) HB Backsquat 3, 3, 3, 3; R3M (build as you can)


– 60 sec double unders

rest 60 sec

– 60 sec burpees

rest 2 min



30 sec AD very hard

rest 2:30-4:30



walk 400m cooldown


A) Close grip bench press @30X1; 4-6 x3; R2-3M

B1) RFESS 5-7/side x 3 @ 30X1; R30 btwn – 60 sec after both (heavier than 4/23)

B2) Pendlay row 4-6×3 @20X1; R60S

C1) Good mornings 6-8×3 @ 30X1; R30S

C2) 5-10-15-20 HSPU for time x3 (pick reps depending on ability)


A) Build to a heavy but technically sound power snatch in 8 min

B) EMOM x 10min

Even: 4-5 TnG power snatches @ 70%

Odd: 5 burpee box jumps (24/20)

C) Banded partner sprints

– Wall to wall x 5 laps; R2:45

D) 3 min FLR accumulated