The Mountain

Europa WOD #1: 200 back squats per team. 50 back squats per individual. Bar can’t touch the ground.

Weekend Schedule:

Free WOD tomorrow morning (Saturday) at 10am! Never tried CrossFit before? Well here is your chance! Bring a friend, too! Ages 50+ are welcome to come at 9am.

Sunday Suckday will have a time change because of the Cowboys game on Sunday. The gym will be open from 10am-12pm. Feel free to come on by and work on whatever is giving you trouble.


IMPORTANT: Please take a minute and check out our very own Angela’s website for the Walk To End Alzheimer’s. She is participating in this event tomorrow which is committed to raising awareness and funds for Alzheimer research, care, and support. She would really appreciate a small donation of any amount to help her reach her goal. Thanks guys!


New classes! Starting next week we will be adding a Noon class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This will be more of a trial period but if this time works out, we will add 1-2 more Noon classes to the week. Have any more suggestions on potential class times? Let me hear them!


BEER! Now that I have your attention, we will be heading to another local brewery to take the tour and booze the brews. Join us at Lakewood Brewery on Saturday, October 6th, any time from 12-3pm. $10 at the door gets you a souvenir glass, 4 beers, and a tour of the facility. There will be live music and a food truck. Feel free to bring lawn chairs and hang out a while!